2 Language Resources

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 LC-STAR Greek Phonetic lexicon      
  • Modern Greek (1453-)

ID: ELRA-S0269

ISLRN: 058-272-953-115-8

The LC-STAR Greek Phonetic lexicon was created within the scope of the LC-STAR project (IST 2001-32216) which was sponsored by the European Commission. The lexicon comprises 110,708 entries, distributed over three categories: - a set of 57,519 common word entries. This set is extracted from a c...

Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER
21250.00 € submit
28000.00 € submit
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR
28000.00 € submit
28000.00 € submit
NON MEMBERacademiccommercial
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER
27625.00 € submit
36400.00 € submit
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR
36400.00 € submit
36400.00 € submit
 PAROLE Greek Lexicon    
  • Modern Greek (1453-)

ID: ELRA-L0032

ISLRN: 343-554-003-168-1

The PAROLE Greek lexicon has two layers, morphological and syntactic. It includes the most frequent words found in a 9 million word corpus, coded according to the PAROLE specifications. The Morphological layer contains a total of 20149 Morphological units, of which 12042 are nouns (common and pr...

Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER
3400.00 € submit
3400.00 € submit
NON MEMBERacademiccommercial
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER
5100.00 € submit
5100.00 € submit