7 Language Resources

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 A Bilingual English-Ukrainian Lexicon of Named Entities Extracted from Wikipedia    
  • English
  • Ukrainian

ID: ELRA-M0104

ISLRN: 110-617-195-245-4

The bilingual English-Ukrainian lexicon of named entities uses Wikipedia metadata as a source. The extracted named entity pairs are classified into five classes: PERSON, ORGANIZATION, LOCATION, PRODUCT, and MISC (miscellaneous). The lexicon consists of 624,168 pairs and comes in two formats: csv ...

Licence: Attribution, Non Commercial Use - CC-BY-NC-4.0
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Licence: Attribution, Non Commercial Use - CC-BY-NC-4.0
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  • Croatian
  • English

ID: ELRA-M0108

ISLRN: 649-554-159-147-9

CroaTPAS (Croatian Typed Predicate Argument Structures) is a bi-lingual lexicon in Croatian and English. It was created by manual annotation from the Croatian Web as Corpus and pattern creation using the Skema editor on the Sketch Engine platform. CroaTPAS is tailor-made to represent verb polysem...

Licence: Attribution, Non Commercial Use - CC-BY-NC-4.0
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NON MEMBERacademiccommercial
Licence: Attribution, Non Commercial Use - CC-BY-NC-4.0
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 English-Danish EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)    
  • Danish
  • English

ID: ELRA-M0075

ISLRN: 034-297-263-067-2

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

NON MEMBERacademiccommercial
 English-Estonian EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)    
  • English
  • Estonian

ID: ELRA-M0073

ISLRN: 367-945-013-309-2

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

NON MEMBERacademiccommercial
 English-Latvian EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)    
  • English
  • Latvian

ID: ELRA-M0076

ISLRN: 704-517-283-753-9

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

NON MEMBERacademiccommercial
 English-Lithuanian EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology (Processed)    
  • English
  • Lithuanian

ID: ELRA-M0074

ISLRN: 133-724-111-130-7

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Connecting Europe Facility - Automated Translation (CEF.AT) action. For further information on the project: http://lr-coordination.eu. EASTIN-CL Multilingual Ontology of Assistive Technology ...

NON MEMBERacademiccommercial
  • Croatian
  • English

ID: ELRA-M0109

ISLRN: 432-666-503-743-8

T-PAS (Typed Predicate Argument Structures) is a digital lexicon consisting of a corpus-derived collection of Italian verb argument structures, whose arguments have been manually annotated with a set of hierarchically organised semantic labels called Semantic Types. T-PAS is primarily tailored f...

NON MEMBERacademiccommercial